Your perfect CRNA job is out there, and we can help find it.

There’s a lot that goes into finding your perfect job, including time, energy, and a whole bunch of contacts. Fortunately, we have a team dedicated strictly to CRNAs who are standing by, ready to take on that job search for you. They’ll take the time to get to know you both personally and professionally so they can find the job that fits the entire you. Our services cost you nothing, require no commitment, and take care of all the CRNA job search and hiring details, including ones you likely have never considered.

493 open CRNA jobs with more added daily.

There’s a lot to choose from, and we’re happy to do the digging for you to find the options that fit what you’re after. Or, feel free to browse around yourself. We offer permanent positions across all 50 states.

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We know CRNAs because we have a senior team dedicated to them.

Our team of senior consultants, who have over 40 plus years of recruiting experience, only works with CRNA and anesthesia assistant candidates seeking permanent positions. With an average of over 80 placements a year throughout the U.S., our track record shows we have a detailed understanding of the market as well as listening to each of our provider’s specific needs. We identify your qualifications, motivation, and profiles to match what you are looking for.

We know a few folks in the CRNA industry.

CompHealth has been around a while, and as one of the oldest and largest staffing companies in the country, we have valuable relationships nationwide with many well-respected private practices, clinics, hospitals, and healthcare systems. This helps us open doors for you and give you a leg up on the competition.

There are a lot of ways that CompHealth is different, but here are four that make all the difference:

Working harder to make your job search easier.

We’re here to handle every detail, every step of the process, including the minutia that can rob you of valuable patient-care time. Ask around the industry. We believe you’ll hear how we’re unmatched in supporting your every job search need.

Finding more opportunity and balance.

With permanent placements across the country, we’ll find you a job that matches your professional goals while helping you achieve more of the all-too-rare work/life balance.

Delivering real CRNA specialists.

As a CRNA, you’re busy. This doesn’t give you a lot of time to worry about a job search. That’s where we come in. Here, you work with a single point of contact, a dedicated CRNA specialist who delivers the professionalism, opportunities, and care you’ve more than earned.

Getting to know you better to serve you best.

Relationships matter. Continually rated as one of the nation’s top workplaces, our office is filled with happy, driven human beings who are ready to build the personalized and professional relationships that create results — and long-term friendships.

Ready to put our personalized experience to work for you?

Talk with a personal recruiter today.

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